Operation Chimera Pre Order


Operation Chimera is now available for pre-order on Amazon (here) for 99 cents. The official release date is 10/20. I had a lot of fun writing this with Tony Healey, author of the Far From Home series. Awhile ago, Curiosity Quills contacted me because Tony was looking for someone to collaborate with on a spinoff of his successful deep-space series, and they thought I’d be a good fit.

When they pitched it to me, the phrase “Star Trek meets Wing Commander” got bandied about, and I couldn’t resist. I used to be a big fan of the Wing Commander games (perhaps less so the film), and it seemed like an exciting little project. Working with Tony was great; he’s got that wicked Brit sense of humor I like, and had the decency to tell me he thought Keg (the android) was funny.

The story follows the crew of the Manhattan, an enormous starship/fighter carrier as it sets off on its maiden voyage into an uncharted region of space. The action splits between one of the groups of rookie fighter pilots (Green Wing) and the command crew of the Manhattan. The untested crew deals with first-mission-jitters as well as the unexplained effects of the Chimera nebula, all the while wondering if the mission is as risky and suicidal as everyone said it was.

Lex De Mortuis Release Event


Wow, that was a fast six months. The release of Division Zero: Lex De Mortuis (Book 2) is coming up in just 4 days. To celebrate, we are doing an online release party via Facebook event. We will have several games and contests for prizes including:

Two signed paperback copies of the Division Zero book 1.

Two signed paperback copies of Division Zero: Lex De Mortuis.

Four ebooks (winner’s choice among: Division Zero 1, Virtual Immortality, or Caller 107)

Four items made by Rhonda from Justplummy Swagit.

Please join us online on September 9th at 8:00 PM EST.

Click here to go to the event on Facebook.

Cover Reveal | Borderlands Anthology

Actuator 1-5 Borderlands  E-book Cover

The release date for the Borderlands Anthology is coming up fast – Sep 11 2014. I am pleased to be able to announce the cover art for a collection of short stories I was privileged to be a part of. Each story is set in the world established in The Actuator.

Please join us on Facebook for the release party:


The Borderlands Anthology contains:

Remembering Emily, by Sara Wolf
Stolen Orchid, by Matthew Cox
The Blackbird’s Tale, by Dan Willis
The Dream Journal of Oren Wesley, by Nathan Yocum
The Austenation, by Mara Valderran
Escape, by Patrick Burdine
The Ritual, by Whitney Trang
The Gatekeepers of Change, by James Pratt
The Ringer, by Craig Nybo
Anna and Lena, by Jason Purdy
Once Upon A Frozen North, by Jenny Persson
Halfway, by Jay Wilburn
The Search for Punarav, by Juhi
15 Seconds of Fame, by Jason A. Anderson
Forever Young, by Wil Stanton
Cult of the Actuation, by James Wymore


Caller 107 Blog Tour

From July 21st – August 1st, 2014 excluding weekends, a group of wonderful bloggers will host interviews, excerpts, and reviews for Caller 107. We are also doing a Rafflecopter giveaway in which you could win a signed copy, and a $25 Amazon gift card. Curiosity Quills is also hosting a Goodreads giveaway for a paperback copy of Caller 107.
I am grateful for such a huge showing of support and interest, especially since Caller 107 is a departure from my usual genre. While this is my third released title, I am as excited as if it were my first.


Diane Riggins at A Creative Mind – Review
Christie Gibrich at Teen Librarian Toolbox – Book Spotlight

Jennifer Melanson at The Cubicle Escapee – Interview
Ann-Marie Beaumont at Darkness Beckons – Excerpt

Matthew Graybosch at A Day Job and a Dream – Excerpt
Mallory Anne-Marie Forbes at Mallory Heart Reviews – Review
Becky at Becky’s Barmy Book Blog – Book Spotlight


Erika at Wonderful Monster – Review
Sarah Cass at Sarah’s StoryLines – Excerpt

Sandra at JeanzBookReadNReview – Interview
Rakib at I Hate Critics – Excerpt


Kevin Craig at Kevin Craig  – Excerpt
James Wymore at James Wymore – Book Spotlight

Elsie Elmore at Elsie Elmore – Interview
Sarit at Coffee Boks & Art – Excerpt

Merisha Abbott at Blissful Book Reviews – Excerpt
Vicki L. Weavil at Vicki Lemp Weavil – Interview
E. M. LaBonte – Interview
Sandra Almazan – Interview
Terri Bruce – Interview
T.W. Fendley – Interview

Katie Teller at Katie’s Stories – Book Spotlight
Charlie Anderson at Girl of 1000 Wonders – Excerpt

Elle Klass at The Troubled Oyster – Excerpt
Amberr Meadows at Like a Bump on a Blog – Review


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Caller 107 by Matthew S. Cox

Caller 107

by Matthew S. Cox

Giveaway ends August 21, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Borderlands Anthology

Stolen Orchid Titled


Awhile back, I submitted my short story Stolen Orchid to James Wymore’s Borderlands Anthology, which is set in the world established in The Actuator. It’s almost ready for release, and we are looking for early readers who would be willing to post an honest review on Amazon in exchange for an advance copy.

Anyone interested, please email me at msc @matthewcoxbooks.com (pardon the space, trying to throw off spambots) – or contact me via Facebook/Twitter. As soon as the production team is done with the e-ARC, I’ll get them out to those who are participating.

The anthology also includes shorts by: Sara Wolf, Dan Willis, Nathan Yocum, Mara Valderran, Patrick Burdine, Whitney Trang, James Pratt, Craig Nybo, Jason Purdy, Jenny Persson, Jay Wilburn, Juhi, Jason A. Anderson, Wilbert Stanton, and James Wymore.