Cover Reveal | Daughter of Ash

The fourth novel in the Awakened series (of six), Daughter of Ash is releasing in kindle ebook on Tuesday. (Paperback should be along in a week or two.) I’m pleased to be able to share the cover [by Eugene Teplitsky] for it a little early!

Designed to be the perfect assassin, Kate is as beautiful as she is deadly―everything she touches, burns.

The government attempted to engineer a pyrokinetic the likes of which the world had never seen, but their plans went awry. Her power to command fire as a living extension of her psyche was more than they had hoped for, except for one problem. Her skin is hot enough to destroy most materials on contact. Useless for infiltration, they declared the project a failure and slated her for disposal at the age of seven.

Years after escaping, she hides on the outskirts of society in the shadows of East City. A chance encounter brings her under the wing of a Syndicate underboss, El Tío. Kate kills without hesitation to earn the favor of the only person ever to show her kindness, but her happiness is as false as her holographic clothing.

An eerie figure interrupts her routine with a promise of an end to her curse, if she joins The Awakened―a group of psionics as powerful as she. To find them, she must travel thousands of miles across the country, but her uncontrollable ‘gift’ leaves her no option but to walk. Desperate for human contact, Kate throws herself into the Badlands, unconcerned with danger.

Cured or dead… Either way she wins.

To celebrate the continuation of the series, we’re having a virtual release party on Facebook with some prices including a $20 Amazon gift card, a full set (of 4) Awakened paperbacks, some DoA paperbacks, and a few e-book prizes. The party is on March 7th, from 5pm to 7pm Eastern Time. Attendance requires only posting/commenting in the event feed, playing some games, chatting, and hopefully having a good time 🙂

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