The world first became aware of the phenomenon of psionics in 2204 when fourteen year-old Amanda Seivert demonstrated telekinesis during a live Newsnet broadcast. Ninety years later, the “First Psionic” died a natural death after amassing a fortune by virtue of her fame.
However, not every nation welcomed this new kind of human.
In 2210, sixteen-year-old twins, Daniel and Edward Moore, of Hertfordshire UK, go public with their telepathic abilities. After a week of celebrity status, both vanish amid unexplained circumstances. The Crown refused comment.
The Allied Corporate Council denies any psionics even exist within their territory. Thirty-nine years later in 2243, ten-year-old pyrokinetic Ekaterina Myshkin is smuggled out of Europe with bullet wounds and frightening stories of murder squads hunting anyone with paranormal powers.
Now in 2418, a new breed of psionic dawns. One man’s crusade to elevate The Awakened above the rest of humanity will bring seven individuals together in a conflict for which the world is ill prepared.