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For questions about film rights, television rights, or other media rights, please email me at mcox2112@gmail.com

Sarah Wright isn’t sure what to do with her future, but at least she has an eternity to make up her mind.
Vampirism comes with amazing perks and a whole bunch of craziness. Two years into unlife, her insecurities are settling into place. The future’s starting to feel manageable, if more than a bit strange. It doesn’t matter if she chooses a good major for college anymore. One big weight does remain balanced on her back: what to do about the whole boyfriend situation.
Dating a mortal is fun for now, though it will get awkward after a decade or so. What’s an eternal teenage vampire supposed to do?
To complicate matters, the boss asks her to help an old vampire adjust to the modern world. Sounds simple, except for two serious problems.
He appears to be about her age… and he’s gorgeous.
Contact Me
- email – mcox2112 @ gmail.com
- Twitter – @mscox_fiction